Embodiment Practices: Deepen Mindfulness and Pleasure

In this holistic embodiment class, we will guide you into powerful practices that will reconnect you with your body, mind, and emotions, and help you get in touch with your deepest desires in life.

Through movement, breathwork, and somatic exercises you'll learn how to feel pleasure and dive into a profound sense of self-awareness and sensuality.
  • Tap into the wisdom of your body
  • Use daily experiences to deepen embodiment
  • Connect embodiment with pleasure
  • Know your whole, sensual self
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Benefits of Embodiment Practices

Feel Alive and Live Your Full Potential

Experience the world around you and your emotional and sensual self with heightened awareness and a fuller vibration.

Tap into your body's innate wisdom and enhance your ability to know what you want, live a passionate life, and have profound connections with others.

Become More Attractive - From the Inside Out

When you are embodied and embracing pleasure, it is palpable to the people around you. You will be more attractive, magnetizing people with your glow.

By living an embodied life, you’ll also invite and inspire others to glow from the inside out.

Let go of Guilt - Live Now!

Instead of feeling more obligation and guilt about whether you are meditating enough, seize the opportunities when they arise. In your day-to-day, embodiment helps you  deepen into the flow of life and everything that is all around you, at every moment.

By refocusing your attention on joy and pleasure, you can let go and embrace the ride that life has to offer. 

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Take This Class If You:

Are curious about and interested in deeper embodiment and heightened sensation.
Want more pleasure, connection, and sexual satisfaction in your everyday life.
Have experienced trauma and want to reconnect with your body and aliveness.
Want to add erotic embodiment practices to your somatic repertoire.

What You Will Learn:

The importance of embodiment to your aliveness, joy, intimacy, and pleasure.
A host of practices to get more embodied as you move in the world.
How to find the embodiment opportunity in every moment.
What the word presence actually means as a felt sense.

Class Outline

Get Into Your Body!