Unlock the Power and Pleasure of Sensual Touch

Touch is one of the most potent tools you have to please and seduce your partner. Yet many people don't know how to touch in a way that really inspires the body’s natural arousal system.

Level up and become a master at giving your partner the touch experience they’ve been craving.

Start this class today and unlock the power of touch.

  • Touch with deep presence
  • Learn the 3 most arousing types of touch
  • Become an extraordinary lover
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The Benefits of Taking this Class 

Bring Your Partner’s Body to Its Full Pleasure Potential

You might be surprised to know that most people never get close to their full pleasure potential in sexual situations. Bodies have the ability to experience full-body orgasm, to shake, shiver, and experience explosive release, but only when they are properly primed.

Touch is the key - and this class will teach you how to create a symphony of pleasure through sensual touch.

Keep them Coming Back for More - And More

Nothing keeps people coming back for more sex than you knowing how to give the ultimate pleasure.

The importance of physical touch in a relationship is unparalleled, and touch on the whole body and the genitals needs to be offered at the right time, pressure, and pace.

Learn the particulars of full-body touch and how to introduce genital touch into the mix.

Presence Instead of Performance Anxiety

Learning to sensually touch in a way  that brings both you and your partner deep pleasure will wash away any  performance anxiety. It'll allow you can to be fully present in all of your erotic experiences.

Move beyond touching - and learn how to really feel your own and your partner’s body. 

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Take This Class If You:

Love sensual touch and want to provide your partner with an extraordinary touch experience 
Are often stuck in your head and get nervous when touching your partner
Want to feel confident in all of the different kinds of stimulation you have to offer
Care about mutual pleasure during every sexual experience

What you will learn:

The art of bringing touch and breath together to create a concert of sensation
The kinds of touch that are most arousing to the whole body and genitals
How to escalate an erotic experience by bringing in the right touch at the right time
Presence with your own and your partner’s body throughout an erotic experience

Class Outline

Unlock the Power and Pleasure of Touch!